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BlenderMasters Site

Colaboração: Madison Paz

Data de Publicação: 10 de Novembro de 2007

Publicado no blenderNation, o blendermasters é um site internacional para quem quer aprender mais sobre blender. Tutoriais, downloads, fórum, muita coisa boa para iniciantes e profissionais que utilizam o blender.


post oficial no blendernation:

BlenderMasters - International Site for Blender Users Published by Kernon on October 22nd, 2007 in 3D News

BlenderMasters, created by Madison Paz, currently supports Portuguese and English and their goal is to build a site useful for everyone to discover cool things about Blender.

Madison Paz writes:

The idea to start BlenderMasters came from the need that there are a few Brazilian Blender users. I´m from Brazil and I wanted to begin a work to show what Blender could do in several languages, starting with Portuguese and English.
The dream is a site with news in several languages, as much as I could write. Of course, I need help from the community to translate to other languages.
Users of BlenderMasters have access to rich tutorials, news, a place to host files, a forum, files, plugins and nowadays, to RenderMaster. RenderMaster is a really new project to make Blender Renders online, with a PHP/shell script and Blender running on a Debian server. Anyone can upload a .blend and download the .jpg rendered image. Of course, it has bugs and doesn't render the image in some cases but, to the default render it works fine in most of the cases.
The difference with BlenderMasters is that I´d like to show a professional place. Sections like "Did you know?" or a project like RenderMaster, a huge place to upload Blender plugins. The goal is to have a really good place to discover cool things about Blender.

Madison Paz
Formado em Ciência da Computação na PUCRS
Cursando Pós-Graduação em Projeto de Software na UFLA
Atualmente trabalhando como desenvolvedor de sistemas Web 2.0 com PHP, Dojo e PostgreSQL

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