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Correção automática do "cd" na bash

Colaboração: Felipe Kellermann

Data de Publicação: 22 de Novembro de 2002

A bash também tem uma outra opção muito interessante, cdspell.

Para habilitar a opção, basta usar o shopt: shopt -s cdspell com a shell em modo interativo. Com esta opção, qualquer erro de digitação, como troca de caracteres, falta de caractere ou caractere adicional, será arrumado pela shell e o comando vai ser executado normalmente.

          /$ cd homr
          bash: cd: homr: No such file or directory
          /$ shopt -s cdspell
          /$ cd homr
          /home$ cd ../hom

Segundo a man page (man bash)

         shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...]
                Toggle the values of variables controlling optional shell behavior.  With no options,
                or  with  the -p option, a list of all settable options is displayed, with an indica­
                tion of whether or not each is set.  The -p option causes output to be displayed in a
                form that may be reused as input.  Other options have the following meanings:
                -s     Enable (set) each optname.
                -u     Disable (unset) each optname.
                -q     Suppresses normal output (quiet mode); the return status indicates whether the
                       optname is set or unset.  If multiple optname arguments are given with -q, the
                       return status is zero if all optnames are enabled; non-zero otherwise.
                -o     Restricts  the  values of optname to be those defined for the -o option to the
                       set builtin.

e ainda

                cdspell If set, minor errors in the spelling of a directory component in a cd command
                        will be corrected.  The errors checked for are transposed characters, a miss­
                        ing character, and one character too many.  If a  correction  is  found,  the
                        corrected  file  name  is  printed, and the command proceeds.  This option is
                        only used by interactive shells.

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